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Welcome to the new age of data backup and recovery

Data protection modernization is among the top five most critical IT priorities for 73% of organizations, according to the ESG Research Insight Paper “Trends in Modern Data Protection”

As simple as that sounds, however, IT environments are more dynamic than ever — and their needs are no longer just traditional.

In this new context, all it takes to transform data protection from an insurance policy to a business-centric solution that enables data-driven transformation are the right modern, up-to-date solutions.

As the amount of data your organization relies on grows, you’ll need data protection that doesn’t impact performance and only requires minimal consumption of storage.

Moreover, in the context of a growing adoption of hybrid multicloud environments, there now are more storage targets to protect across an increasingly diverse and complex IT infrastructure.

Complexity is also the inherent result of hybrid multicloud environments, but you must have control over your data wherever it resides — and having a single solution that extends across your entire IT infrastructure unifies workload protection.

Plus, as your attack surface goes up, the more imperative the need for modern data protection becomes. Every organization has a 1 in 4 chance of experiencing a cyber breach within the next two years, according to the “Cost of a data breach Study”, published by Ponemon Institute in September 2018.

That is why you need to reduce risk for all of your workloads — whether those workloads exist on-premises or in the cloud — through a unified platform that simplifies management and strengthens resiliency.

Having a unified, modern data backup and recovery solution across all environments can have numerous business benefits, such as maximized business uptime, ease of use when dealing with exponential data growth and new workloads, quick recovery in the event of a cyberattack and improved analytics and development.

Discover all the important business benefits brought by the modern IBM data protection solutions, as well as the capabilities that make those benefits obtainable, from the “Understanding the must-haves of modern data protection” ebook.

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Disaster Recovery
Data Backup
Data Center
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